On average, we spend 89 minutes a day on interior cleaning, and this doesn’t include chores like laundry and interior maintenance/repair.

When you have a busy schedule, then you might not have much spare time or energy to tackle these tasks. As a result, you might want to take shortcuts or find more effective ways to clean.

Many people mistakenly think that using strong chemical cleaners is the way to go. But this is harmful to both your health and the environment.

Clean smartly by using effective yet green products and practices. Read on for five eco-friendly cleaning tips you should know.

1. Use Vinegar

Vinegar is one of the greenest ways to clean your house, and it’s 100% non-toxic too! Another benefit is it’s cheap to buy, so feel free to use it all over your house.

Vinegar is an effective household cleaner because it’s made from acetic acid. Not only is this acid strong enough to kill bacteria, but it can also dissolve things like grease, grime, and mineral deposits.

So if there are some stubborn stains and imperfections in your house, then give vinegar a try. Chances are, it’ll make everything look brand new again!

The best type of vinegar to use is white distilled vinegar. It’s completely clear, so it won’t stain surfaces. This makes it perfect for cleaning dirty and streaky windows.

If you can’t stand the strong vinegar smell, then you can dilute it with some water. You can also add some drops of essential oil to the spray bottle. You should also leave all windows open to air out that strong acidic smell.

2. Use Baking Soda

Baking soda is another eco-friendly cleaning product. It’s great for stubborn odors, as it’ll absorb them up for a fresh and clean smell. Just sprinkle it over the area in question, leave it for a few hours, then vacuum it all up.

You can also mix a little baking soda with water to create a thick paste for oven cleaning. Apply it all over your oven on the gunk that won’t come off, leave it overnight, then scrub it in the morning. Your oven will be sparkling clean!

Another thing you can do is amplify baking soda’s power by combining it with vinegar. Sprinkle the baking powder first into a sink or toilet, then pour vinegar in for some fizzy cleaning power. This should get rid of stubborn water stains and clogged pipes.

3. Swap Out Single-Use Products for Reusable Ones

Eco-friendly cleaning supplies don’t only have no bad waste products; they’re also reusable. So while you might love your plastic bottles and paper towels, these things are harmful to the environment.

Say goodbye to plastic and hello to glass. Glass lasts longer, so you can buy refills instead of new products when you run out. This will save you money!

Also, swap out your paper towels for reusable cleaning cloths. Microfiber cloths are great, but you can also give new life to your old (and holey) clothes by repurposing them as cleaning cloths.

Plus, the next time you swap out your toothbrush for a new one, keep the old one instead of throwing them out. You can use them to scrub your shoes, air vents, or other hard-to-reach areas.

As for your laundry, avoid using single-use dryer sheets. You can use a wool dryer ball instead, which will still get wrinkles out and lint off your clothes. If you’re missing the fresh dryer sheet smell, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the ball before throwing it in for a cycle.

4. Use Nature to Clean the Air

Is a room smelling a bit stale or odorous? Then think twice about grabbing an air freshener. These are filled with chemicals, which are bad for your lungs and environment.

It doesn’t cost a cent to open up the windows and let fresh air in. Plus, it can help remove contaminants and lower CO2 levels.

Having some houseplants around won’t hurt either. Not only will they perk up your rooms, but some can even clean the air of CO2. A bonus is that being in the presence of houseplants can improve both your mental and physical health.

Some easy houseplants to have include spider plants, snake plants, and aloe vera. Peace lilies are beautiful too, but can be difficult for plant beginners.

5. Use Natural Sponges

Everyone uses those green and yellow sponges for washing dishes and cleaning. But at the end of their lifespans, they go straight into the trash, where they’ll go sit in a landfill.

Making a small switch from synthetic to natural sponges can make a huge difference. These are usually made of cotton fibers or cellulose, and are just as effective as normal sponges.

However, the key difference is when you’ve used these sponges up, you don’t throw them away. Instead, you cut them up and put them into your compost bin. They’re biodegradable, so they’ll serve a purpose other than scrubbing.

Practice Eco-Friendly Cleaning

You might’ve followed the crowd and bought into strong chemicals to clean the house. But the truth is, there are eco-friendly cleaning options that are just as good, but won’t damage you and the planet.

So put away those harsh chemicals and make a small investment on eco-friendly cleaning supplies. You’ll improve your health and won’t feel as guilty about your carbon footprint.

If you want someone else to take care of cleaning, then leave it to Hubbard’s Maid Service. We’re an eco-friendly cleaning service that’ll use your chemicals and equipment, so request a quote from us now!